姓  名:
职  称:
研究员 博导
神经经济学 决策科学
威斯人所有官方网站王克桢楼 100080

朱露莎,山东大学物理学学士,威斯人所有官方网站经济学硕士,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校经济学博士。 2010-2011加州大学伯克利分校Haas商学院Associate Consultant, 2011-2015弗吉尼亚Carilion研究所研究员。2015年加入北大心理系(现威人斯尼平台注册)、IDG麦戈文脑科学研究所、北大-清华生命科学联合中心。



  • 2017–2020,基金委面上项目,从强化学习到社会学习,项目负责人。
  • 2017-2021, 基金委重点项目,社会道德情感的产生及其效用。项目参与人

实验室网址:http://lushazhu.com (国内需VPN)

朱露莎实验室研究大脑怎么作决策,特别是复杂的社会决策。例如竞争、合作、交流。假如大脑是一台计算机,外部世界是信息输入,决策行为是输出,而他人则是连接于同一网路上的多台计算机;我们不单研究一台计算机的硬件 — 神经生物学基础,或软件 — 经济学、社会心理学行为模式,而着眼于两者的交叉与结合 –– 神经经济学。我们用经济学范式搭建社会交互的网路平台,用脑科学实验手段(如核磁共振、脑损伤、药物等)来探查每台计算机的硬件,用博弈论、机器学习模型来拟合计算机运行的软件,由此研究外部的输入信号(如规则、反馈、利润)是如何经由功能性神经环路转化为内部认知状态(如信念、注意、奖惩)及决策输出,从而理解社会行为的计算机制,以及这些机制在神经和精神疾病下将会出现怎样的偏差。


  • 博弈行为的大脑计算机制是什么?为什么相同的情况下,人们会选择完全不同的博弈策略?这种差别的生物学基础是什么?
  • 道德判断是否存在生物机制?能不能从神经生物学的层面来回答人性本善还是本恶?
  • 我们在社会交流中如何表达、理解、说服、与被说服?从进化论的角度,信息交流是所有社会生物在生存和繁衍中的一项基本功能。这种功能的计算机制如何表征?对应的大脑基础是什么?



# co-first author,  * co-corresponding author

L Zhu*, Y Jiang, D Scabini, RT. Knight & M Hsu* (2019). Patients with basal ganglia damage show preserved learning in an economic game. Nature Communications 10: 802 

LM Wang, L Zhu, VM Brown, RN De La Garza II, B King-Casas, & PH Chiu. (2019). In cocaine dependence, neural prediction errors during loss avoidance are increased with cocaine deprivation and predict drug use. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

S Ai#, Y Yin#, Y Chen, C Wang, Y Sun, X Tang, L Lu, L Zhu*, J Shi* (2018). Promoting subjective preferences in simple economic choices during nap. eLife, e40583

AC. Jenkins, P Karashchuk, L Zhu, and M Hsu (2018). Predicting human behavior toward members of different social groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

X Gao, H Yu, I Sáez, RP Blue, L Zhu, M Hsu, & X Zhou (2018). Distinguishing neural correlates of context-dependent advantageous-and disadvantageous-inequity aversion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201802523.

VM Brown, L Zhu, JM Wang, BC Frueh, B King-Casas, & PH Chiu (2018). Associability-modulated loss learning is increased in posttraumatic stress disorder. eLife, 7.

X Gao, J Liu, P Gong, J Wang, W Fang, H Yan, L Zhu, X Zhou (2017). Identifying new susceptibility genes on dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways for the framing effect in decision-making. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12.9 (2017): 1534-1544

Jenkins CA, Zhu L*, & Hsu M* (2016). Cognitive neuroscience of honesty and deception: a signaling framework. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 11, 130-137

Saez I, Zhu L, Set E, Kayser A, & Hsu M (2015). Prefrontal dopamine promotes human egalitarian behavior. Current Biology, 25(7): 912-919

Zhu L, Jenkins CA, Set E, Scabini D, Knight RT, Chiu PH, King-Casas B, & Hsu M (2014). Damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects tradeoffs between honesty and self-interest. Nature Neuroscience, 17(10), 1319-1321 (Highlighted by Nature Reviews Neuroscience, doi: 10.1038/nrn3833)

Set E, Saez I, Zhu L, Houser D, Myung N, Zhong S, Ebstein RP, Chew SH, & Hsu M (2014). Dissociable contribution of prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes to learning in economic games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(26), 9615-9620

Zhu L, Mathewson K, & Hsu M (2012). Dissociable neural representations of reinforcement and belief prediction errors underlie strategic learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(5), 1419-1424

Hsu M & Zhu L (2012). Learning in games: neural computations underlying strategic learning. Louvain Economic Review, 78(3): 47-72

Zhu L, Walsh D, & Hsu M (2012). Neuroeconomic measures of social decision-making across the lifespan. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6(128)